Where should I put my content?
So who’s the winner of this week’s picks for content marketing stories? The top article asked – and attempted to answer – a slightly awkward question for the sector.
Thus far the consensus has been to put content on your site and hope that people will come and view it. But this piece takes a different slant. Distribution is key – and in a crowded world it is important to pick the right course for the horse.
In short, your website might not be the best home for your content.
Read the piece. There are rational reasons behind the idea and you may be carrying out some of its suggestions already. Several of the thoughts are interesting, but ultimately you should always be trying to build up your own brand property. Content marketing is not just about convincing people to read your stuff – you need to get them to act on it, too.
Topshop looks at wearables
Is this content marketing and, more to the point, are wearable computing devices still in fashion?
UK clothing retailer Topshop certainly appears to think so. According to Forbes, the store is looking at launching a start-up focused on wearables – a project dubbed Top Pitch.
Effectively, the programme is an invitation to start-ups in the wearables sector to work with Topshop and pitch a product to the company’s owner, Sir Philip Green.
Although more of a product launch, it seems unlikely the devices won’t include some way for Topshop to communicate with their owners.
Ideas before research
A couple of weeks ago we published a mildly critical blog about research claiming online advertising is being wiped out by content marketing. While we would be happy for that to be the case, questions have arisen concerning how well the research stood up and how balanced it was. If you were getting thoughts on Christmas, you wouldn’t just speak to turkeys – would you?
Still, this sort of story can gain some momentum. A quick glance has shown this blog and also this blog have gone for the story. There are possibly more.
Sounds like the research has served its purpose then.
Where should I put my content? is part of Content24, the online blog for London content marketing agency FirstWord.